Friday, March 21, 2008

Post-haircut hair


Post-haircut hair

I had a haircut this afternoon and for the record, it was a standard haircut - no horrible failures to blend-in adequately or hideous chunks missing, so therefore I shall not be donning a baseball cup to conceal any poor hairdressing scars.

However, when I left the hairdressers, my hair looked reminiscent of Yahoo Serious in Young Enstein. Why is this? Why is it that even the most spectacular or merely adequate haircut leaves you resembling the love-child of Marge Simpson and the guitarist from Rancid upon initially leaving the hairdresser?

Now I am pretty sure that this is not a localised phenomenon that has attached itself to the hairdressers I have frequented over the years. I would place good, or lets says decent, no average money that Jonathan Antin is currently cutting away on the hair of Paris Hilton or whoever felt the urge for a $500 haircut in his hairdressing business on Rodeo Drive and subsequently sending them into the Hollywood wilderness with an initially vertically spectacular head of hair, unless that is...he has the secret about how make your hair look the same when the hairdresser finishes the cut as it will when you step out of your post-haircut shower.

Maybe there is a special hairdressers secret that is highly treasured within the trade, like KFC's secret herbs and spices or male porn stars' somewhat spectacular aiming abilties. Maybe it is the "bit of gel?" they always offer I hear you, I refused my customary blob of horse/rat muscle this time and still left the hairdressers with the customary Eiffel Tower look.

Then again, maybe my over-analytical brain is being overly analytical.

End rant.

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