Friday, March 21, 2008

Life, the Universe and P.J Harvey


Life, the Universe and P.J Harvey

It came to my attention tonight that just about every issue that emerges in my life can be attended to by listening to 'Stories From The City, Stories From The Sea' by P.J Harvey. Is there really some sort of universal sense of meaning at work on this album, or am I merely doing what i do well - that is thinking to much into stuff?

I may never know. What I do know is that i am very pissed off that Pluto has been relegated from planet to 'dwarf planet' - what the fuck? Pluto has always been my favourite planet, it has all the right things happening - it is distant, we dont really have any decent pics of it therefore there could be all sorts of funky shit going on there that we dont know about, it is nice and cool - no fucking sunstroke happening on its iced-up surface and when i was bored shitless during maths classes at school it was always my brain's choice of holiday destinations.

So this is my message to the International Astronomical Union (those responsible for down-grading my planet)- reinstate Pluto now! Now goddamnit! The future of daydreaming kids who are shit at and uninterested in maths depends on it!

Hmm..i think i should go to bed now.

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