Friday, March 21, 2008

I Heart M.I.A


I Heart M.I.A

It is official .. I am in love with, and would marry Maya Arulpragasam, AKA: M.I.A., within seconds if given the unlikely opportunity.

Therefore you would presume that I would be outraged that my homegirl was denied a Work Visa by the lovable American government, based on the fact that her father was a Tamil Tiger, thus preventing her from working with the likes of Timbaland?

Yeah and I would happily allow a crazed pyromaniac to take a blowtorch to my arse too.

You see, M.I.A is a visionary, one of very few in today..s world and one of even fewer in today..s musical climate. She offers a genuine alternative to the overly mass-produced,cack-rapping, shit-hop brigade currently gripping popular culture by its balls. And before some smartarse thinks or publishes it on some blog .. yes I am aware of the irony of claiming M.I.A is a force against polished, mass-production when she has recently sold her music to a Honda commercial. Bottom line is, most of these deadshits accusing her of selling out over that commercial probably drive fucking Honda..s. Create your own line of completely un-commercial, one-per-year-produced, Kyoto Protocol-respecting cars .. and then, and only then can you criticise M.I.A about the Honda commercial. But anyway, back on track.

The fact is, that as a result of her American Visa rejection, M.I.A will now record her follow-up to Arular in India, Trinidad, Brazil and just about anywhere else where she can record in a mountainous region in a small hut with a $25 keyboard and a bottle of vodka.

Thank fuck for that, as another Timbaland collaboration would be as useful to the current musical landscape as the nutsack of a sterilised cat.

And if you doubt that there be method in my madness, check her 50 second teaser of her new track that is doing the blog-rounds and tell me she would still be making the same funky, electro-hop whatever, if Timbaland was watching over her.

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